Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/342

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Chin Chin, the Elephant, Gets Her Winter Shoes

��Chin Chin walking down a plank wearing her stylish boots. The elephant

suffered from cold feet and was taken to a Boston shoe shop where she was fitted with the only made- to-order elephant shoes known. The material alone used in making the shoes cost forty dollars

����Standing on her head in order to allow her hind feet to be measured. Chin Chin was a patient customer, even when she was required to take this unusual position. Her shoes were made of a plump piece of upper stock, a blue collar, a juniper sole and a wool skin inner sole. She seemed very well pleased with their fit and appearance

��Photos by New York Hippodrome

��Taking her foot measure- ment with fitting stick and tape. According to the shoe man Chin Chin's size was a full sixteen on the stick and X "V Z wide — all in feet and inches. She is shown her*^ asking the shoe man whether he thinks she ought to wear arch supports or not


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