Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/387

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Popular Science Monthly


��f n the air, the propellers would have to be ver>' strong and the motor by which they would be driven would have to be ver>' light. Their speeds would necessarily be enor- mous. How much additional support the propellers might gain gratuitously by moving ahead and always working in fresh undisturbed air, has never been discovered. Too little is known of helicopters to settle the matter.

At very high speeds fly- wheels often burst because of the enormous centrifugal force developed. At the high speed with which Mr. Sharpe would have to run his propellers in order to get into the air, equally great centrifugal force would be generated, particu- larlv if all the delicate feather-

���A dose-up view of the proposed machine. The propellers would have to be very strong and the motor light to lift it

��ing mechanism must be exposed to them. Lastly it is to be noted that the front paddle-wheels leave a wake which must be disturbing to the rear pair.

��Let This Machine Teach You How to Play Golf

DID you ever see a golf coach made of iron rods, a few screws, and a leather pad? If not, look upon the illustration of one invented by Hugh M. Rhind, of Chicago, Illinois. A perfectly good coach is the iron contrivance; for it is warranted • to teach the most difficult and most important ma neuver in playing golf — the perfect "driving" of the ball.

The secret of the re- markable way in which a real good golf player drives one "great" shot after another is to be found in the fact that he performs the same move- ments for all drives. He has found from experi- - ence that, for instance, by keeping his head stationary until the ball is driven from the tee, and by keep- ing his arms at a certain definite

���The device keeps the golf player's head and shoulders level in order that a correct sight may be readily obtained

��extension and level, he will hit the ball efficiently. Evidently then, it will be necessary for him only to repeat exactly these same movements, and the next time he will make the same wondrous shot, to the great amazement of the onlookers.

It is on just this simple principle that Rhind's invention works. It teaches a rtian to keep his head still during the downstroke of the drive. The leather pad fits comfortably over one side of the player's head. The iron rods hold ^ the pad firmly in place,

and the screws allow the pad to be adjusted to fit persons of various heights. The player-to-be plants his head firmly against the pad, and not until he has struck the ball from the tee does he remove it to lunge his body forward. His head and shoulders will then have been kept in the exact position for a perfect sight and a good stroke. After the be- - , ginner has studiously practiced with this de- vise for several suc- cessive rounds of the links, he will be far on his way towards becoming a star in the sport.

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