Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/46

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��Popular Science Monthly

���The eyes are protected from the glare without sacrificing the full illumination

��An Electric Light Attachment For Eye- Shades

IN order to bring maximum light upon a piece of work without causing the eyes to suffer from the glare, an electric lamp bulb may be worn attached to an eye- shield, as shown in the accompanying illus- tration.

Thomas C. Arnold, of Fernandina, Fla., has invented a bracket attachment for the purpose. The bracket is mounted upon a shade or shield of ordinary construction, except that at one end there is a tab carry- ing a buckle, while at the other end is a strap which buckles snugly around the wearer's head.

The bracket is made from one length of relatively stiff wire, bent in double U-shape for encircling the body of the shade. A clamping yoke is provided to receive the elec- tric lamp bulb, and a guide ex- tension is formed at one end of the wire protruding from the yoke, to receive an elec trie conductor on the bulb socket. The bracket is de- tachable and the bulb may be taken out clamped on easily.

With the bulb ar- ranged in this way the eyes are pro- tected and the light is brought close to the work.

��Man Becomes a Beast in Hand-to- Hand Conflict

SOLDIERS say that they find relief in any muscular action," writes Dr. George W. Crile ("A Mechanistic View of War and Peace," The Macmillan Company), "but the supreme bliss of forgetfulness is in an orgy of lustful, satisfying killing in a hand-to-hand bayonet action, when the grunted breath of the enemy is heard, and his heart's blood flows warm on the hand. This is a fling back into the remote period when man had not controlled fire, had not fashioned wea- pons; when in mad embrace he tore the flesh with his angry teeth and felt the warm blood flow over his thirsty face. In the hand-to-hand fight the soldier sees neither to the right nor to the left. His eyes are fastened on one man — his man. In this lust-satisfying en- counter injuries are not felt, all is ex- hilaration; injury and death are alike painless. A life-sized photograph giv- ing each detail of the face of a soldier thus transformed in the supreme moment of hand-to-hand combat would give the key to the origin of war."


��Model of a one hundred and sixty-acre farm showing location of windbreaks

��Tempering the Wind to the Farm by Means of Trees

IF the farmer of today and of the future is not able to squeeze the last penny- worth of value from his land it is not the fault of the Federal Government, for the efforts which are being expended in educat- ing him as to how to do it are never relaxed. Thus, the Bureau of Forestry is conducting a campaign to demonstrate the value of growing trees as windbreaks on the farm, to protect the crops and livestock.

The model shown in the il- lustration is ex- hibited at fairs, expositions and farmer organiza- tion conventions all over the coun- try. It represents a one hundred and sixty-acre farm and shows the proper location of the wind- breaks and the kinds of trees most suita- ble for the different localities. The trees afford protection from sun and storms.

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