Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/482

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��Popular Science Monthly

��An Exhaust Pipe Heater for a Motorcycle Sidecar

THE motorcycle sidecar can be made quite comfortable in winter if the ex- haust is extended and a coil placed in the

���A pipe with a coil inside the car body is mn from the exhaust of the engine to the sidecar

front of the car. It requires only a piece of pipe or tubing that can be easily bent into the shape desired. The size will de-

��pend on the exhaust opening. A pipe should be secured with an inside diameter the same as the outside diameter of the exhaust. It is then run to the front of the car where it enters. On the inside it forms a coil, the end running through the bottom to the outside. — Fritz M. Meyer.

��Right Pressure for Bead Molds in Making Tire Repairs

IN making sectional repairs, bead molds should be tightened until the cavity is the exact size of the tire. Then an added quarter turn of the clamp gcrew will give just enough pressure to insure the proper flow of the gum. This turn saves the air- bag considerable strain. However, if much more pressure is exerted there is danger that the fabric or the inside surface of the repaired section will buckle or bulge.

��Our Prize Motorcycle Contest

THE Motorcycle Contest has been a brilliant success. It brought from all parts of the country the most interesting practical suggestions from enthusiastic motorcycle readers that we have ever seen. While the Mechanical Editor of the Popular Science Monthly had anticipated a stirring contest, he was by no means prepared for the scores of striking suggestions which he has received. As a result, he has decided to keep and pay for a far larger number of articles than he had planned. The prize winning article will appear in the next issue of the Popular Science Monthly.

The following are the names of the prize winners and the names of those whose articles were considered of such merit that they have been bought:

��The Three Grand Prizes were Awarded to :

First Prize of $25 — B. M. Ikert — How to Build a Motorcycle Garage.

Second Prize of $15 — Edwin C. Schurch — Re- Modeling the Motorcycle.

Third Prize of $10 — David W. Freye — Dynamo Lighting System for the Motorcycle.

The following articles that did not win a prize but were of sufficient merit to be used in the Practical Workers department:

W. G. Paulson— Things to Know About Motor- cycle Clutches.

W. A. Jones — Brake for a Belt Drive Tank Pump.

John F. Fetterlt — A Motorcycle Jack.

Paul Justus — Troubles with the Safety Spark Gap.

William H. Smith — A Spark Plug Lock for a Motorcycle.

George Stoneham — A Motorcycle Wind Shield.

W. H. Sargeant — Repairing a Broken Motor- cycle Frame.

J. R. Schultz — Repair Link Made of Cotters.

Harold E. Page — Temporary Repair on a Broken Valve Spring.

��W. Drynan — Holding Lock on Motorcycle to

Prevent Rattle — Sidecar Heater. Joseph F. Sylvia — Extension Axle for a Sidecar. Ray E. Stewart — Combination Tandem Seat and

Tool Box. Duncan Dillon — Repairing Gasoline Pipe with

Oiled Paper. Oscar B. Becker — Coin Used to Close Hole of

Broken Oil Window. George Thornton Morris — Detecting Leaks in

Inner Tubes with Smoke. Chas. A. Speer — How to Patch an Aluminum

Crankcase. H. E. Fitzer — Keeping Oil from the V-belt. Joseph Schmelzeis — Running Home Without a

Carburetor. Roy K. Taylor — Sidecar Wheel Stand. B. Husmann — Substitute for a Broken Valve

Spring. John E. Hogg — Road Repair for Broken Cones

and Bearings — -Temporary Repair on a

Clutch Pedal Stand. N. Winderlich— A Valve Tool. Ernest Ofeldt — Taking Up Wear in Pitman

Bearings. R. W. Jamison — Substitute for a Lost Bronze

Bearing. William F. Bacchus — Repairing Crankshaft.

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