Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/52

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��Popular Science Monthly

��positions are limited to one sex or the other, and this cuts off another half. We are now down to about 16,000,000. Thus in a few minutes and without expense we have excluded ninety-nine out of a hundred

��15. By Physical Soundness

16. By Special or Technical Education

17. By Temperament

18. By Aptitudes

19. By Sympathy

20. By Predominant Type (Vital, Motive or Mental)

���Mental-motive Type. In- dependent; alert and opti- mistic; observant; self-suffi- cient; a good speaker; de- termined and positive; clear in argument; energetic and openminded; progressive; active and energetic; public- spirited man ; socially active

��Mental Type. Mild and amiable; tolerant but posi- tive; slow and deliberate; clear thinker; not excitable; broad in views; willing to hear both sides of a question; open to conviction; but not swayed by arguments unless convinced of their truth

��Mental-motive Type. Clear in views; good talker; de- cided but reasonable; sin- cere; likes to find out the truth about any subject; broad in thought; thorough and conscientious; not easi- ly influenced; convincing in argument; above-board

��of all the living persons. Real selection has scarcely yet begun.

There is no particular sequence to be observed in applying the exclusion tests. Sometimes one characteristic is more im- portant than another. Age may be more important than sex, nationality may be more important than race, education be more important than natural gift, experi- ence be more important than ability.

The Standard hy Which Men Are Judged

In semi-logical sequence:

1. The First Decision Is Between Uncarnate and


2. Between Human and Other Life

3. By Sex

4. By Race

5. By Age

6. By Nationality

7. By Eugenics or Heredity

8. By Mental Soundness

9. By Moral Soundness

10. By Industrial Soundness

11. By Early Environment

12. By Training

13. By General Education

14. By Experience

��21. By Size (Tall or Short)

22. By Texture (Coarse-grained or Fine-grained) 2-^. By Coloring (Blonde or Brunette)

24. By Body Build

25. By Shape.

There are other subdivisions, so many in fact that they interest only specialists.

It is evident that most of us in selecting employees pay some attention to the sixteenth requirement — special education. We are apt to overlook the importance of heredity (7), moral soundness (9), industrial soundness (10).

Very few pay any attention to tempera- ment (17), aptitude (18), type (20); undue prominence being given to sympathy (19). Size (21) often is carefully considered, but not texture (22), coloring (23), body build (24), and shape (25). Yet every one of these twenty-five considerations would be applied by any man interested in thorough- breds, whether pigeons, chickens, horses, or any other domestic animal.

In selecting men who are much less uni- form than finely bred animals, it is not so easy in advance to predetermine tempera-

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