Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/571

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America Prepares as the War Scare Crosses the Atlantic

���All public buildings, water works, bridges and strategic points in New York State were vigilantly guarded when word went forth that our Government had broken with Ger- many. In the photo- graph above sentries are questioning a man

��Bayonet drill at the Lake Bluff, Illinois, camp is part of the rou- tine through

��) American Press Assoc

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��The armored car with which New York's home defense league is equipped. The car can be used in breaking up riots and dispersing mobs, as well as guard- ing public stores and chaining an enemy. It is manned by a trained staff of army operators

��which western lads are put be- fore they become full-fledged bluejackets

���A member of the American Red Cross Society preparing bandages

��Members of our flying corps studying a model aero- plane m order to become familiair with its operation


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