Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/619

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Popular Science Monthly


��A Small Filter for Light Machine Oils

A GREAT many differently constructed practical filters can be made for light machine oils, where they are not circulated too rapidly or in a great quantity. The re- sults sought in such a locally constructed de- vice are simplic- ity of parts, op- eration and oil delivery.

The illustra- tion shows a fil- ter which is very serviceable where the oil is required to be thoroughly^ cleaned but is not needed in a very great quantity. The outer shell may be built from any tin can or receptacle of a suitable size. Another receiver

of the same nature, but a trifle smaller is used for holding the dirty or filtering oil. A number of strips of candle wicking or light cotton rope are thrown over the sides of the inner can and held to the outside by means of the looped wire strip. Through the strong capillary- action of the oil and rope or wicking the best of the oil is raised, and drips down into the outer shell where it is drained oflf as it is wanted. The inner recepta- cle should be cleaned as often as necessary. The dimensions given are for a filter that was made and used with excellent results. — F. W. Bentley.

���Getting Rid of the Destructive Attacks of White Ants

WHITE ants are pests the attacks of which must be guarded against, since they may seriously damage wooden structures, stores of food and clothing, field crops and plants. They have been known to eat out the core of a wooden beam for several feet before being discovered. Woodwork which is in con- tact with damp soil is especially likely

��to be infested. The ants colonize in large numbers and attention is generally attracted to them by the passing in and out of the flying members of the colony during the swarming time in the spring. Long tracks of earth leading to a section of a structure is also an indication of their presence. If in- fested timber has not been weakened too much, it need only be frequently drenched with kerosene; but if it has been too much eat- en away, it will be necessary^ to replace it with new timber. Treat- ing the new timber with coal-tar creosote will keep the ants away. If the colonies nest in the ground near the wood, applications of carbon bisuN phide may be used.

Should stores of food and clothing be at- tacked , the rooms in which they are stored should be thor- oughly sprayed with a 5 per cent solution of kerosene emul- sion. The cloth- ing and similar goods should be aired in the sun. Field crops and plants are liable to be at- tacked when near ground which has been recently cleared and which con- tains decaying logs and stumps. Such attacks can gener- ally be pre\ented by plowing late in the fall the ground in which the crops are to be planted. Should the pests appear in spite of this, the young sprouts should be sprinkled with the 5 per cent kerosene emulsion. Infested trees and flowers should be treated with the solution in the same manner.

���The filter for separating the oil from the ^diment

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