Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/678

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An Underground Summer Home Hewn out of

�� ��C^Hfor."^^" ""^^ "°th of Fresno,^.fH^" enterprising citizen has

f^^\ I '^ ^"S °"t of rock, locally vfoT t'o"'* ^-^^ ^^'■^ P^"'" ^hich is imper"^ vious to moisture. In the picture above, the owner is shown in the entrance hall

��A near view of the entrance. 'It is fourteen feet below the surface. There are sixteen rooms in all, honeycombing an under- ground area of half an acre. Most of the rooms have glass ceilings with provisions

fn'firTS^^"- ^ y°""g °^«"ge tree in first bloom graces the outer door-way


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