Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/795

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Popular Science Monthly

A Substitute for a Painter's Striping Brush

THE amateur who wishes to do a little striping but does not possess the requisite skill in using a striping-brush, can

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A pen like the draftsman's ruling pen made from wood strips for striping with oil paint

provide himself with an efficient substitute which consists of three strips of hard, close-grained wood, about ⅛ in. thick and ⅜ in. wide. Two of these strips should be about 8 in. long, the other about 5 in. long. The short piece is nailed between the others in the manner shown in the illustration, forming practically one piece with a slot in the end. This end should be shaped to a point.

About 2 in. from the end of the slot, drill a ⅜-in. hole and insert a stove-bolt. This bolt is used to adjust the space between the points or nibs. To any one familiar with an ordinary ruling pen it is obvious that this is simply the same thing on a larger scale and is operated in the same way. Care should be taken that the paint used is not too thin, as it is liable to spread. A little practice is advisable before making a stripe which is to remain on the piece to be finished. — Frank L. Matter.

Starting Automobile with Current Taken from Another Car

AFTER the engine on a Ford car has been overhauled it is usually pretty stiff and hard to crank fast enough to start on the magneto. The engine may be started by the current from another similar

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Wiring diagram to connect magneto of one car with another for starting engine

car, as shown in the illustration, by the use of two small wires and by turning the switch key of the overhauled engine to the battery side. Of course, after the engine starts the key is turned to the magneto side and it furnishes its own current.

This method can be used to locate trouble in the magneto also; for, if the engine runs all right when connected with the current from the other magneto, its own magneto must be faulty. — L. E. Nofsinger.

Making Small Gears for Emergency Use

In the making of models it is sometimes necessary to use a drive for speed that cannot be obtained with stock gears. Where there is no gear cutter at hand, or the cost for making them is too much, the simple makeshift illustrated will easily supply the experimenter's wants, and the cost is practically nothing. They are made from sheet metal, the teeth being formed by punching or drilling holes in a circle drawn on the surface. These holes should be evenly

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Punched disks to form teeth and holes for making gears to rim models or a cord drive

spaced, then after punching or drilling, the outside should be cut away on the circle drawn. This leaves half of the portion of the metal between the holes extending like teeth. The wheel into which these teeth mesh is made in the same manner, but instead of cutting away the outside it is left intact, as the teeth of the other wheel will enter the holes and drive it.

The device used for making the holes by punching is shown in the illustration. It is made of heavy sheet metal bent in a closed U-shape, the ends being drilled to make holes for admitting a punch. These holes will guide the punch when making the holes in the disk. The disk is placed be- tween the ends of the metal.

An excellent drive for a cord may be made in this way. — Robert C. Knox.