Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/801

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Popular Science Monthly


��do not finish the jump, since it will not count anyhow. In soaring through the air bend forward and raise the knees. Just before alighting extend the legs well forward

���jumper may, however, raise and lower his heels as often as he likes preparatory to jumping. In the two and three broad jumps there must be no stops between the jumps. For the running broad jump, and hop, step and jump there is no limit to the run. If any competi- tor swerves aside at the taking-ofT

��The angle of the body in leaving the block will determine whether the jump will be high or low

���to gain every inch. On alighting jab the feet downward to avoid sliding. It is not good form to alight sideways, because there is greater danger of falling back or of turn- ing an ankle. In case you fall backward hop back a few inches rather than fall flat.

Rules That Grovem All Broad and Standing Jumps

Each contestant has three jumps and the best five three more jumps. The best (not necessarily the last) jump is the con- testant's record. The nearest mark made by any part of the jumper's anatomy on the ground is measured at right angles to the near edge of the jumping block. This applies even though the jumper, in falling back, jumps out of the pit.

��line, or the line extended, or touches the ground in front of the take-oflf joist with any part of his foot, such a jump is not measured; but it is counted against the competitor as one jump. A line is drawn 6 ft. in front of the scratch line, to be known as the balk line, and stepping, or falling, over such line, or such line ex- tended, in any attempt, is counted as a "balk," and two successive balks are counted as a trial jump. The rules for the running high jump shall govern.

Training Hints

Take only 8 or lo jumps a day, three days a week, wearing sponge rubber in the heels. See that the pit is soft. Before each jump concentrate strongly

���In the running hop, step, and jtmip, there should be a fast run of about eighty feet. The hop should not be high or there will be too much strain on alighting and the step and jump will be weak

��When starting for a standing jump, if the foot of the jumper leaves the block more than once, or slides forward, it counts as a trial jump, but is not measured. The

��upon it. To get height in jumping place an obstacle in the pit 3 ft. high, 8 ft. from the block. Train as for sprinting.

{To be continued)

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