Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/817

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�Of all the magazine readers in America, probably no group would show so high a percentage of efficiency as the Popular Science Monthly family from the standpoint of our Country's need in the present crisis.

In the first place, a verv^ large proportion of our many thousands of readers are young men — vigor- ous, intelligent, alert.

In the next plare many — very many of our readers follow vocations which, from the economic stand- point, are vitally important to the Country's pro- gram of preparedness and conservation.

In the third place, where could you find so im- pressive a number of men — and women too — ^with the inventive type of mind? Who can tell what will be evolved from the experiments and discov- eries of Popular Science Monthly readers and how far-reaching the benefits thereof to our Country?

We must, one and all, in whatever direction the path of duty lies, give the best that is in us, placing patriotism above selfish gain; self denial above personal indulgence.

Our Country is a land of liberty and opportunity. Let us search our hearts and our brains for those qualities whereby each one of us can best do his share towards preserving and upholding these price- less attributes.

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