Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/962

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Changing Bag for the Moving Camera Operator

THE traveling motion-picture camera man must carry his tripod, tilting and panoramic heads, camera, magazines, cranks, masks, dissolvers, fade-outs, filters,




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��Holes are cut in the side of the camera box and cloth sleeves provided in the openings

etc., and in addition to all this, a chang- ing bag. With such an outfit, and often more, he welcomes any scheme to lighten or dispense with any portion of the equipment. One cameraman, a moving picture operator, is not bothered with a changing bag since he has had his camera case altered, as illustrated.

The case is made light-proof and two round holes are cut in the side of the box. Into these holes are fastened sleeves of heavy black light-proof cloth with elastic bands sewed into the outer extremities. This enables the operator to put both magazines and films in the carrying case, which is then closed and locked to prevent accidental opening. He then inserts his arms in the black sleeves, reaches into the carrying case and changes the film with no danger of its being fogged or light struck.

When the box is in use as a carrying case the cloth sleeves are tucked inside and serve as a cushion or pad to protect one side of the camera. The holes do not in- terfere with the value of the case, or its appearance, if it is properly made.

This same general plan can be worked out by anyone in connection with a view- camera and its carrying case. The prac- ticability, however, depends on the size and shape of the case in relation to the size of the plates used, and the ease with which such a case can be made light-proof. In

��most instances of this kind a new case would probably be desirable, if not absolutely necessary. The plan is of little value to anyone but the itinerant photographer.

��Covering an Automobile Torque- Rod Support with Leather Boot

IT IS necessary to keep all working parts on an automobile covered as far as pos- sible to prevent dirt from entering. One of the parts which can be readily covered is the front support of the torque-rod. The torque-rod serves the purpose of relieving the strain on both the rear axle and the springs when the car is started ; consequent- ly the ultimate result of a faulty torque-rod is a break-down on either axle or springs. Most of the torque-rod trouble may be traced to the dust and grit entering the working parts.

The illustration shows the shape of a boot for covering this part. It is in the form of a tee, the vertical portion covering the opening in the support-casing and the horizontal part covering the end of the torque-rod. In order to insure the correct cutting of the pattern it is best to cut and fit a paper one for a trial. The leather

���Pattern of a boot-cov- ering for torque-rod support. It is held in place by soft wire

should be of very tough quality and well soaked in oil a few hours before being cut. A strong and thoroughly waxed twine is used for making the stitches at the joints. — Adolph Klein.

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