Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/186

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�Jonah's Miraculous Gourd Was Not More Wonderful Than These Which Grow on a Farm in New Jersey

��A sugar bowl and spoons made from "dipper gourds." By careful crossing of varieties the re- sultant vines are made to produce strange fruit


��These fortunate small boys needed no expensive base- ball equipment. Their bat and balls were picked from the gourd vines

��Smoking set, lamp, and gourd on which guests register. All these photographs were taken on Mr. E. E. Wilcox's large New Jersey farm

���A gourd kih> iL.cmbks a strange gymnnsium with giouiiii; dumb bdls, Indian clubs and punching bags. Gourds, although planted in the same way, should not be grown near squashes, watermelons, cucumbers or pumpkins, because useless crosses result

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