Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/356

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Did They Do a Good Job the Last Time They Vulcanized Your Tires? It Is By No Means a Simple Piece of Work

��First the tread should be stripped back several inches from the rupture as here shown. Next "step" back the inner plies

��© Press lUiM. Sirv.

��If the plies aren't "stepped" back; that is, cut off one behind another stair-step style, all the breaks in the fabric come in one place. There is no interlacing of layers; so a blowout can very easily occur again

��Be wary of the tire-vulcanizing job that is simply a corking-up of a hole with a rubber plug. It will not hold for long, nor will it ride smoothly. At right : Carefully smoothing up a tire before vulcanizing it


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