Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/459

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Popular Science Monthly

��A Convenient Metal Holder for Milk Bottles

JUST where the milk bottles go and what becomes of them is difficult for some housewives to determine. The illus-

trations show a

very handy httle receptacle for the bottles. It can easily be made in any home work- shop. The base is manufactured out of an old coffee can cover, the top or spring catch portion being sim- ply an old piece of sheet brass, moulded or form- ed over a round bar. When the old bottle is emp- ty, it is slipped into the de\'ice and the milkman on his round replaces it with a full one. The holder can be placed anywhere on the side of the house, or near the door, low enough so that it can be easily

���The bottle of milk is easily set in holder

���The sheet metal parts are made the cor- rect size to hold an ordinary quart bottle

reached, yet high enough to protect the bottles from accidental upsetting or from being knocked out. — F. W. Bentley, Jr.


A Work Bench Clamp to Hold Boards for Planing

THIS very handy clamp or vise is easily made of oak or other suitable, hard wood. It consists of three pieces and a disk. The pieces are 9^2 in. long; one is 1)4 in. wide and 13^2 In. thick; the

���WorK Bench-

��The disk rolls on the sloping part of the groove and clamps the board by pressure

base of the other part is 33^2 in. wide and 1 in. thick with a cap of the same width and I2 in. thick. The disk is 2 in. in diameter and slightly under 1 in. in thickness. A wedge-shaped notch is cut in the piece that is 1 in. thick, so that the larger part admits the full size of the disk, the smaller part sloping down almost to a point. The pieces are fas- tened to the bench top as shown, with a space between them of 1)4 in., and with the disk in the notch.

It is apparent that when a board is placed edgewise in the open space, while the disk is in the larger opening of the notch, it will be free, but upon pushing it forward the disk will roll against the slop- ing part, and wedge or clamp it. The more pressure applied, the tighter will be the grip on the board. When it is pulled back, the action is reversed and the board is easily withdrawn. — Robert Haxley.

��Solution for Cleaning Polished Brass Quickly

THE following solution will clean brass faucets very quickly, without injury to the hands or the metal. Put 13 2 oz. of alum in one pint of boiling water, and rub the solution on the brass surface with a cloth. The stains, as well as the tarnish, are quickly removed. The solution is in- expensive and easily made.

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