Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/520

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��Popular Sr/cnr-p }f(>ttt/tlif

���This glorified meter index enables Cincinnati children to fathom the mysteries of gas and electric meters

��Teaching High School Pupils How to Read the Meters


��^HE indicators of gas and electric meters are no longer mysteries to pupils attending the Woodward High School in Cincinnati.

Pupils of the school have constructed large duplicates of the gas and electric meter dials. By the aid of strings at- tached to the mechanism of the dials, gas and electric consumption readings are indicated at the will of the teacher.

��Safety Bottle in Which to Keep Poisons

QUICK, a little medicine, sister has fainted!" Many a time at night the cry has thrown the whole household into confu- sion and e.xcitement. Some member of the family rushes to Iho medicine cupboard, seizes the bottle stand- ing in the place that had always been re.served for the medicinal brandy and takes it to the sick- room. The bottle seized in the excitement of the


��To pour liquid from this bottle it must be laid flat with the outlet pointing straight up.

��moment does not con- tain brandy, but car- bolic acid and only the timely discovery of the mistake can save the sick girl.

The poison bottle in- vented by Lee Howde- shell and shown in the accompanying picture would greatly diminish the possibility of such fatal mistakes. The neck of the bottle is not at the top as in ordinary bottles, but at one side. Below the outlet is an arrangement of walls which makes it impossi- ble to pour out even a small part of the liquid in the bottle without careful manipulation. The bottle must be inclined to fill the narrow space between the walls of the partition and then back, to allow the small quantity of liquid to drain into the upper compartment which communi- cates with the neck. In view of the attention required to extract the con- tents, it would be almost impossible not to notice what they were.

We Are Now Growing Our Own Camphor in Florida

THE first and only bearing camphor plantation of any size in this country is located at Satsuma, Fla. It contains over 2,000 acres of camphor trees which last year yielded over 10,000 pounds of crude camphor. This year it is expected that the yield will be many times this amount. Florida has several other plantations, which will soon come into 1) e a r i n g . Ma n y more trees are being planted, and cam- phor may soon be- come profitable.

��Upper compartment



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