Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/569

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Popular Science Moiifhli/


��Oh, Henry— What Makes Them Go 'Round?

PRETTY young girls passing store windows in which a new advertising contrivance is being displayed have asked that question; old people have asked it; everybody asks it. It gets attention from all sides.

The machine recently patent- ed by H. J. Herberts, consists simply of a polished cylinder mounted in an upright position, and resembling a restaurant coffee urn in size and general appearance. Inside an arma- ture-like electromagnet revolves, throwing a strong magnetic field through the thin outer shell, when objects containing steel or iron are thrown against the shell they cling to it and move around and around it along with the magnetic field, in spite Brushes of the fact that the shell itself does not rotate. Articles journey- ing endlessly around the cylin- der are objects of great curiosity.

��How Many

�of These

�Words Can Y

�ou Define)

�1. oranito





� �2. bonfire





�77. declivity

� �«.




�4. itowD





� �5. Idp



� �tlonale

� �6, scorch





� � �JJ.




�*2. lally

�8. en%-clopo





�9. straw





� � � �Rtavi'



� �II. haste

� �rcitaril



� � � �ncn-e



� �13. eyelash

� �crunch



� �14. copper

� �Juiwlcr



� � � �majraty



� � � �brunette



� � � �snip



� �18. mellow

� �apish



� � � �sportive



� �20. Impolite

� �hysterica



� � � �Mars



� �22. outward

� �repose



�97. cameo

�23. lecture

� �shrewd



� � �!>(».




� �25. southern





�100. complot

�26. noticeable

� � � � � ��If you can define seventy-five of the total num- ber of these words you are a " superior man"


��Have You a Supermind ? If So, You Can Define These Words



��Winding —

��Diagram gives idea of general princi- ples actuating the magnetic advertis- ing contrivance

��Any article which contains iron and is not too heavy will revolve 'round and 'rotond the drum

���LEWIS M. TERMAN, professor of education in Leland University, has introduced a new intelligence test which is said to give good results.

The words in the accompanying list were selected at random from the dic- tionary and arranged according to their approximate difficulty. The person is asked to begin with the sim^plest words, giving their definition and continuing through the list until he can no longer define them.

The test is based upon the assumption that a person's in- telligence is pro- portionate to his vo- cabulary and that the ability to de- fine a certain num- ber of words may be accepted as an index of the person's vocabulary. The average adult can define sixty-five per cent, of the words, representing a; vo- cabulary of 11,700 words, while the su- perior adult, who can define seventy- five or more of the words, commands a vocabulary of 13,500 words or over.

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