Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/817

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American Library Association

Library War Scrrice


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��Uarch 18. 19ie

��Editor. "Popular Sclsnce Monthly" 23 9 Fourth ATsnue

Now YorV, N. T.

Dear Sir:

We ara juet Ik recalpt of a cotnnunicatlon signed by the Car p Librarian e at Canpe UaoArthur, Logan, Bowlo, Travis, Pike, and Doniphan, stating that there 1b in these caaps a demand for "Popular Science Monthly", which is far In excess of the copies received through the Burleson "one- cent" privilege. It is vary desirable that more copiae of "Popular Science Jlccthly" reach them promptly froc the original subscribers. On behalf of the thousands of reading men vrhosi they represent, they ask us "in scr-.e anphatic way ** to plac» this matter before your subscribers and see if it is possible tc got n>ore copies of this magazine into the poatof 'ice under the Burleson Act. The need is urgent.

There is an over-suiply of some magarlnes, but an under-supply of ycurs. We are of the opinion that this need of a supply exists at many other camps, and we therefore hasteji tc call this matter to your attention.

��Very trjly your a,

���JLW:EJW / / /Assistant to the Director ^

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