Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/875

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��And Make Easier the Work of the Devoted Women Who Take Care of War Sufferers

��Making Patterns

An electric machine which per- forates the patterns used by the Red Cross. The chalk, dusted through the perforations, makes an outline of the pattern on the cloth. Such strong material is used for the patterns that once perforated they may be used over and over again

��The Swift Winder

An electric winder, known in the Red Cross workrooms as the "swift winder." It was invented by a man who wished to assist his wife in her Red Cross work. As it is started and stopped by pressure of the worker's foot on the pedal, her hands are free to guide the yarn


���Unwrinkled Gauze

An ingenious device for folding gauze .n required lengths. It keeps the material perfectly smooth so surgical dressings can be cut in accurate widths and lengths according to the requirements

��A Dressing Frame

A frame which keeps light dressings in place. Workers can accomplish more work in less time by using this device be- cause their material is always where wanted at the moment when quick work is imperative

��A Sweater Machine A new electric sweater-knitting ma- chine which has found great favor in the eyes of Red Cross workers. It knits a sweater in 14 minutes


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