Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/212

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as I fancy the blaſt of the laſt trump will in thoſe of the dead, whom it is to ſummon from the grave. He ſpoke very laconically, and did not ſtay long below, as probably the mephitic breath of this gate of hell might not affect his lungs very agreeably. I am, in all likelihood, the firſt perſon whoſe footſteps ever returned out of the lion’s den. I arrived, under the wing of my protecting angel, at his habitation, where he diſcloſed the myſtery of my wonderful deliverance. Thank, ſaid he, your good fortune, and the power of love, for having this time eſcaped the ignominious and pining death of hunger. Fly quickly the enchanted circle of the Cyclades, before your paſſage from the dangerous labyrinth is for ever barred. A jealous prince is worſe than Argus and Briareus: he has an hundred eyes to watch, and an hundred arms to ſeize you. Zeno is at once the fondeſt of huſbands, and the moſt vindictive of‘enemies: