Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/214

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compliance with her vow, rigorouſly abſtained from all nouriſhment. In three days the prince was told that a leaden-coloured paleneſs began to feed on the damaſk cheek of his ſpouſe, and to extinguiſh the ſpark of life in her brilliant eyes. This touched him to the ſoul: he flew repentant to her feet, and entreated her to deſiſt from her purpoſe of extirpating beauty from the earth. He agreed to ſpare your life, under condition that you ſhould depart from Naxos, as father Adam from Paradiſe, never to return. The prince committed to me the care of the beautiful Zoe’s health, and the princeſs that of your deliverance. Prepare, therefore, for an immediate departure: a ſhip is ready to ſet ſail for the Helleſpont, in her you will get ſafe to the continent.

‘At the end of his ſpeech I embraced the kind phyſician, and thanked him cordially for my emancipation. But the departure from Naxos lay heavy on my heart. The‘charms