Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/223

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built this hermitage, under the hypocritical maſk of devotion; it was ſoon viſited by a crowd of pious ſouls, for the neighbourhood eſteemed me a ſaint, and came in ſearch of heavenly conſolation to one, who harboured only the deſires of the fleſh: all my thoughts and wiſhes having no other object but the viſit of the ſwans.

‘Soon after my ſettlement here, I formed yonder cove of reeds, in order to watch, at the proper ſeaſon, for the arrival of the half celeſtial viſitants. I found that Theophraſtus had not fed me with deluſive forgeries; at the ſummer ſolſtice I ſaw a number of ſwans alight on the pool, ſome retaining their proper form, and others changing into beautiful damſels; yet I could not perceive my beloved Zoe among the ſwimmers. I bore the impatience of deſire for three ſummers longer, but in vain. The fourth came. I watched with anxiety from my place of ambuſh. One morning early I heard the ſound of wings ruſtling over my head, and immediately perceived‘nymphs