Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/226

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of it a ring, ornamented with a ſparkling ruby, in the ſhape of an heart. From this packet, which had all the appearance of being left behind on purpoſe, I deduced the moſt favourable interpretation. Zoe, I ſuppoſed, meant to ſay, that ſhe left her heart behind her, that ſhe was not inſenſible to my deſerts; and though ſhe could not, for the ſake of appearances, part from her company, ſhe would as ſoon as poſſible return without attendants, and hearken to my deſires.

‘With theſe thoughts I conſoled myſelf, and remained one, two, and more years, in longing expectation of another viſit from the ſwans. Nor was my patience yet exhauſted; but my imprudence ſeemed to have baniſhed them from the pool. Afterwards a few returned, and I conceived freſh hopes. I watched them cloſe, and enjoyed from time to time the unreſerved view of angelic forms with calm indifference—for how eaſy to reſiſt the temptation of the banquet, when the appetite is‘wanting!