Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/256

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heavy cutters and guarda-coſtas, together with the long ſtrings of paper reſolutions of the ſquabbling lower houſe.

Friedbert had no other way of falling upon the track of his fugitive miſtreſs than the very ſame the frogs would take, were they to undertake the grand tour, that is, to hop and ſwim, as occaſion demands, till they arrive at the place of their deſtination. Eagerneſs to find his lovely girl made the diſtance from Swabia to the Cyclades ſeem greater than if he had had to travel to the moon. ‘Alas!’ cried he in deſpair, ‘how can the ſnail purſue the light-winged butterfly that flutters from flower to flower and reſts long at no ſtation? Who can aſſure me that Calliſta is gone back to Naxos? Will not the dread of ſcandal in her own country direct her flight to ſome other aſylum? And if ſhe is in Naxos; what will that avail me? How ſhall a plain pike-man dare to lift up his eyes to a daughter of the‘prince