Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 1).djvu/261

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whom the common etiquette of courts had left in the poſſeſſion of titular beauty, as an Ex-miniſter is ſtill ſtyled His Excellency, though the tooth of time had gnawn away every one of the good lady’s charms, and Apelles could now only uſe her as a model for a fine old head. He aſſumed, on his introduction to her, the character of an Italian knight. And whether Zoe ſtill retained a predilection for travellers of this denomination, or perceived the ring that had once been hers, now ſparkling with its heart-ſhaped ruby on the adventurer’s finger, he met with the moſt welcome reception; ſhe ſeemed, indeed, to take a ſingular fancy to him. When the tumult of the marriage rejoicings was over, the princeſs quitted the court, and retired to the ſilent reſidence of her palace: but Friedbert received permiſſion to enter the monaſtic ſanctuary, a privilege confined to a few confidential friends; and Zoe by degrees came to regard him with the affection of a parent. As they were once walk-ing