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he compromised. "But I t'ink Gawd onduhstan' de succumstance, an' mek allowance."

Serena Robbins broke the silence which followed.

"How come yuh ain't ax me fuh pray ober um?" she enquired in a slightly offended voice. "Mus' be yuh is done fergit how Gawd done answer we las' prayeh, and sen' dat goat tuh sabe yu' life, when starvation done stan' dey an' look yuh in de eye."

Porgy brightened at that, and turned eagerly from the dark horror of Peter's suggestion.

"Dat so, my Sister," he commenced; but her eyes were already closed, and her body was swaying from side to side, as she sat cross-legged on the flags. Presently she began to intone:

"Oh, Jedus, who done trouble de wateh in de sea ob Gallerie—"

"Amen!" came the chorus, led by Porgy.

"An' likewise who done cas' de Debbil out ob de afflicted, time an' time agin—"

"Oh, Jedus!"

"Wut mek yuh ain't lay yo' han' on dis sister' head?"

"Oh, my fadder!"

"An' sen' de Debbil out ob she, down er steep place intuh de sea, lak yuh use tuh do, time an' time agin?"