Page:Portland, Oregon, its History and Builders volume 1.djvu/707

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Total deposits in the banks of Portland, as shown by the reports filed are $67,199,067.39. This is an increase of $7,238,068.93 over a year ago.

The figures presented in the accompanying table do not include the deposits of the First National Bank of St. Johns and the Peninsula Bank of St. Johns, which have $161,178.52 and $157,681.28, respectively.


The First National of Portland, the oldest national bank on the Pacific coast, having now the largest capital and business, and having had an open history from its original organization, naturally stands first in point of interest. It was organ- ized on July 4, 1865, and commenced business in a little room in the second story of the brick house on the west side of Front street three doors south of Stark street. Its growth and strength is typical of the growth of Portland. The fol- lowing list covers the names of the original stockholders, and the first and suc- ceeding officers down to the present time.


Organization July i, 1865.

Stockholders and Organizers — A. M. Starr, L. M. Starr, H. W. Eddy, Alex. P. Ankeny, Phil Wasserman.

First Officers — A. M. Starr, president; Amory Holbrook, cashier. January 10, 1866 — L. M. Starr, president. March 17, 1866 — ^James Steel, cashier. Au- gust II, 1869 — Henry Failing, president. January 13, 1875 — H. W. Corbett, vice-president. January 9, 1883 — Henry Failing, president ; H. W. Corbett, vice- president; G. E. Withington, cashier. January 10, 1899 — H. W. Corbett, presi- dent; G. E. Withington, cashier. January 8, 1901 — H. W. Corbett, president; A. L. Mills, vice-president; G. E. Withington, cashier. April 9, 1903 — A. L. Mills, president; G. E. Withington, cashier. January 10, 1905 — A. L. Mills, president; J. W. Newkirk, cashier. March 31, 1909 — H. L. Corbett, vice-presi- dent.

The statement of the First National Bank for the first month ending De- cember 31, 1866:

Loans $ 29,385.22 Capital stock $100,000.00

U. S. bonds 150,000.00 Circulations 88,130.00

Premium on bonds 1,312.50 Deposits 257,827.03

Due from bonds 27,720.23 P. & L 1,586.08

Furniture, etc 2,050.00

Treas. U. S. redemption... 192.10

Cash 237,183.06

$450,843.11 $450,843.11

Statements at close of business on September i, 1910:

Loans and discounts $ 6,986,946.06

U. S. bonds at par 2,200,000.00

Other bonds 997,648.69

Bank premises 70,000.00

Due from U. S. treasurer $ 25,000.00

Due from other banks 1,768,030.49

Due from reserve agents 1,240,556.88

Cash on hand 2,918,479.60 5,952,066.97

Total resources $16,206