Page:Portland, Oregon, its History and Builders volume 1.djvu/875

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systems soon to be commenced. The various undertakings and the amounts are as follows :

Broadway high bridge $2,000,000

Madison street lift bridge 450.000

East Twelfth Street concrete bridge 61,000

Second Bull Run pipe Hne 1,259,000

Two huge reservoirs at Mt. Tabor 460,000

Garbage crematory 99'900

Total $4,329,900


Receipts for December, 1909 . $ 88,937.97

Receipts for December, 1908 76,282.51

Increase $ 12,655.46

Increase per cent 16.50

Receipts for calendar year 1909 $783,579-97

Receipts for calendar year 1908 680,812.96

Increase $102,765.41


Portland not only exceeded its own postal record, but far outshone the post- office receipts of Seattle for September, 1910. Portland's actual gain for the month was $12,444.80, and Seattle, ijistead o£ an increase, shows a decline of $8,541. Seattle is the only large postoffice in the union to show a loss in Sep- tember, 1910, as compared with September, 1909. At Portland, the receipts for the month were $78,798, and Seattle's postal receipts were ^7'/,y28.

For the month of November, 1910, the increase in four items of the business of Portland, as compared with the month of November, 1909, shows as follows :

1909. 1910.

Aggregate on building permits $ 835,430 $ 1,119,205

Portland postoffice receipts 67,171 84,613

Portland bank clearings 38,403,578 45,076,551

Portland lumber shipments, board meas-

' ure feet 15,969,247 17,806,931

This increase in business will surpass that of any other city of the United States for the period named.


The taxable property of the county, nearly all of which is in Portland, has in- creased in value more than $207,000,000 since 1902, according to the official re- ports of the county assessor. The following shows the increase by years :

1902 $ 44,146,000

1903 51,038,000

1904 56,429,000

1905 143,860,000

1906 180,950,568

1907 233,141,058

1908 236,187,737

1909 251,389,887