Page:Posthumous Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Vol4.djvu/99

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seemed (suddenly) to find my soul again—It has been for some time I cannot tell where. Send me the Speaker—and Mary, I want one—and I shall soon want some paper—you may as well send it at the same time—for I am trying to brace my nerves that I may be industrious.—I am afraid reason is not a good bracer—for I have been reasoning a long time with my untoward spirits—and yet my hand trembles.—I could finish a period very prettily now, by saying that it ought to be steady when I add that I am yours sincerely,


If you do not like the manner in which I reviewed Dr. J———'s s—— on his wife, be it known unto you—I will not do it any other way—I felt some pleasure in paying a just tribute of re-
