Page:Posthumous works, in prose and verse - Ann Eliza Bleecker.djvu/14

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We are indebted to a friend for the idea of adding a number of proſe and poetical eſſays, which likewiſe firſt appeared in the New-York Magazine, moſt of them under the ſignature of Ella, and which are the production of Mrs. Margaretta V. Faugeres, the daughter of Mrs. Bleecker. Our obligations to this lady are much increaſed by the addition of ſeveral Original Eſſays in verſe, which the reader will find interſperſed in that part of the collection which comprehends her writings.

It is not our intention to recommend this volume by an elaborate diſplay of its particular merits or peculiar excellencies: the beſt recommendation we can give it, is an attentive peruſal: and when this is done, that the reader of taſle and elegance will join in aſſerting, that though it is not faultleſs, yet that its merits preponderate, and entitle it to the patronage of every true American, is the candid opinion of


New-York, September, 1795.