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A lover still unwilling; he was bound
In dark warm arms, refusing: then 'twas viewed
How to her spells he melted: then, again,
How what he scorned he sued for—fond and fain.

And those who thus Love's luxuries had won
Asenath seemed, and Yûsuf. Limb for limb,
Lips, eyes, and brows, the Hebrew boy was done
Lifelike. The gemmed Egyptian dame with him
Shone Asenath herself, Asenath fair,
With robes ungirt, no fillet in her hair!

Into this palace 'twas her mind to bring
Yûsuf the slave, and lead him, room by room,
Through all their passages of pleasuring
Till eyes' delight should heart's cold doubts consume.
But first herself she 'tired, and lovelier made
That loveliness, too rich before arrayed!