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Or lightly, with the lively Frenchman's nod,
"Bon soir, mais sans adieu!"—" Good-night, and yet
No speech of parting till once more we are met!"
Or solemn Sanskrit "Swâgatam;" or word
Of guttural German, at hand-shaking heard,
"Auf wiedersehen." Or any far-fetched speech
Of India, China, Russia, seeking each
Some pretty gentle wish to charm away
The sorrow of the thing they have to say?
No! it shall not be any one of these,
But "Sayonara," in soft Japanese;
For this at worst, means "Since it must be so!"
And, while we speak the sad word, who can know
We shall not change it to "So de wa nai!"
And have no Sayonara then to say?