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Take unto thyſelf a wife, and obey the ordinance of God: take unto thyſelf a wife, and become a faithful member of Society.
But examine with care and fix not ſuddenly: on the preſent choice depends the future happineſs of thee and thy poſterity.
Oppoſe not her inclination without cauſe; ſhe is the partner of thy cares, make her alſo the companion of thy pleaſures.
Reprove her faults with gentleneſs; exact not her obedienee with rigour.
Truſt thy ſecrets in her breaſt; her councils are ſincere; thou ſhalt not be deceived.
Be faithful to her bed; for ſhe is the mother of thy children.

OF all the pleaſures that endear human life, there are none more worthy the attention of a rational creature than thoſe that flow from the mutual return of conjugal love.

When minds are thus engaged by the ties bf reciprocal ſincerity, each alternately receives and communicates a tranſport that is inconceivable to all but thoſe who are in this ſituation: hence ariſes that heart-ennobling ſolicitude for one another's welfare; that tender ſympathy which alleviates affliction, and that participated pleaſure which heightens proſperity and joy itſelf.