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desired Cornelia to shew her jewels also. Cornelia, pointing to her children, said, "These are my jewels, and the only ornaments I admire."

CAMBALUS, a young gentleman of character and fortune, in the city of Mulgeatum, being one day out a-coursing, was way laid and very near being murdered by the banditti that infeſted the country. The gentleman's father happened to come by that very instant on horseback, but no sooner had he heard the melancholy tale, than he leapt from his horse, desired his son to mount, and make the best of his way into the city; but he, preferring his father's safety to his own, conjured his father to leave him, and take care of himself. The father, ſtruck with the generosity and affection of his ſon, added tears to intreaties, but all to no purpose. The conteſt between them is better conceived than described—while bathed in tears, they besought each other to preserve his own life, the banditti approached and stabbed them both.