Page:Pratt - The history of music (1907).djvu/116

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Chap. VII. The Venetian and Roman Schools.

   53. General Survey.
   54. Music-Printing.
   55. The Rise of Italian Music.
   56. Willaert and the Venetian School.
   57. Other North Italian Masters.
   58. The Papal Chapel.
   59. Palestrina.
   60. Other Roman Masters.

Chap. VIII. Church Music in Northern and Western Europe.

   61. In General.
   62. The Lutheran Reformation.
   63. The Imperial Chapel.
   64. Lassus and the South German Masters.
   65. France and Spain.
   66. The Netherlands.
   67. England.
   68. The Prayer Book and Music.

Chap. IX. Secular Music. Instruments. Theory.

   69. The Madrigal and Part-Song.
   70. The Florentine Monodies.
   71. Instruments and Instrumental Music.
   72. Literature about Music.
   73. Summary of the Century.