of Musical Hist., 1892 (2d ed. 1893, 436 pp.); Adalbert Swoboda, Illustrirte Musikgesch. 2 vols., 1892-4; C. H. H. Parry, The Art of Music, 1893 (4th ed. 1905, 342 pp.); Alfredo Untersteiner, Storia della musica, 1893 (2d ed. 1902, 330 pp., Eng. trans. 1902, 349 pp.); Henri Lavoix, Hist. de la musique, 1896, 368 pp.; W. J. Henderson, How Music Developed, 1899, 413 pp.; Adolf Prosniz, Compendium d. Musikgesch., 2 vols., 1900 (2d ed. 1901- ); M. Vogel, Gesch. d. Musik, 1900, 218 pp.; The Oxford Hist. of Music:—H. E. Wooldridge, The Polyphonic Period, 2 vols., 1901-5; C. H. H. Parry, 17th Century, 1902; J.A.F. Maitland, Age of Bach and Handel, 1902; H. H. Hadow, Viennese Period, 1904; Edward Dannreuther, Romantic Period, 1905; Hermann Ritter, Allgem. illustrirte Encyclopǎdie d. Musikgesch., 6 vols., 1902; H. Riemann, Handbuch d. Musikgesch., 2 vols., 1901-13; Otto Keller, Illustrirte Gesch. d. Musik, 1894 (2d ed. 1903, 2 vols.); Karl Storck, Gesch. d. Musik, 1904, 848 pp.; Edward Dickinson, Study of the Hist. of Music, 1905, 409 pp.; W. J. Baltzell (editor), Hist. of Music, 1905, 564 pp.; J. K. Paine, Hist. of Music to the Death of Schubert, 1907, 314 pp.; C. G. Hamilton, Outlines of Music Hist., 1909 (rev. ed. 1913, 308 pp.); Thomas Tapper and Percy Goetschius, Essentials in Music Hist., 1914, 365 pp.; C. Villiers Stanford and Cecil Forsyth, Hist. of Music, 1916,. . . pp.; Helen A. and Clarence Dickinson, Excursions in Musical Hist., 1917, 209 pp.
Dictionaries.—The pioneers here were (a) Terms only—Tinctoris (1474), Ducange (1678), Janowka (1701), and Brossard (1703); (b) Biographies only— E. L. Gerber (1790-2); (c) Both terms and biographies—J. G. Walther (1732) and J. J. Rousseau (1767).
Of the many works of this class it is enough to name the larger or most recent, such as G. Schilling, Universallexikon d. Tonkunst, 6 vols., 1835-8 (2d ed. 1840-2); F.J. Fétis, Biographie universelle des musiciens, 8 vols., 1835-44 (2d ed. 1860-5, with Supplément by Pougin, 2 vols, 1879-81); E. Bernsdorf, Neues Universallexikon d. Tonkunst, 3 vols, 1856-61 (Nachtrag, 1865); H. Mendel and A. Reissmann, Musikal. Conversations-Lexikon, 12 vols., 1870-83; O. Paul, Handlexikon d. Tonkunst, 2 vols, 1873; J. Stainer and W. A. Barrett, Dict. of Musical Terms, 1876 (latest ed. 1898, 464 pp.); George Grove, Dict. of Music and Musicians, 4 vols. and Index, 1879-90 (2d ed. 5 vols. 1904-10) and American Supplement, 1920; H. Riemann, Musik-Lexikon, 1882 (8th ed., 1916, and Eng. trans. 4th ed. 1908); J. D. Champlin and W. F. Apthorp, Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 3 vols., 1890; Theodore Baker, Biographical Dict. of Musicians, 1900 (3d ed. 1919, 1094 pp.); R. Eitner Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon, 10 vols., 1899-1904 (additions and corrections issued since 1912 as periodical).
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