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Each day say to Mary and Joseph:

O BLESSED parents of the Infant Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, if we came to solicit you to obtain for us worldly prosperity, joys, honors, and comforts, our sighs could never reach the cradle of a God, poor, humble even to annihilation, forgotten, suffering, weak, and lying in a manger; but these are not our desires or petitions. No; we humbly and earnestly implore you to beg for us, at the crib of your Infant Son, that, like Him. and as His true and faithful followers, we may love to live in true humility — disengagement from creatures — contempt of the world and its vanities — constant recollection of the holy presence of God — fervor and fidelity in all our duties — and in the practice of the tenderest charity to all persons. May we never blush at the humility of the crib, nor at the poverty and simplicity of Bethlehem. May we ever rejoice at our happy lot as true spouses of Jesus Christ : ever in tender charity look with a compassionate eye on those who live but for this world, and continually pray that all may come to bless, to praise, and to love the Saviour Who comes to redeem them.

Infant Jesus, poor and simple, grant our petition!

Infant Jesus, humble and obedient, grant our petition!

Infant Jesus, silent and recollected, grant our petition!

Infant Jesus, inflamed with love for us, grant our petition!

Holy Mother of the Infant Jesus, pray for us!

Blessed St. Joseph, pray for us!

All ye saints, devoted to the Holy Infancy of Jesus, pray for us!

Second Day.

To the Sacred Heart of the Infant Jesus.

THIS day adore the Sacred Heart of your Infant Saviour — that Heart so full of tenderness and charity, that Heart so pure and holy, the beloved retreat of all interior and faithful souls.


O BLESSED Heart of the Infant Jesus! I adore and love you as the center of all hearts, and humbly en- treat you to give me grace henceforth to rest and repose in you, as in my true home. May you be my oratory, in which, and through which, I shall offer to the Eternal Father