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On Pentecost.

V. Alleluia, Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum; venite, adoremus, Alleluia. V. Alleluia, the Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole earth; come, let us adore Him, Alleluia.
R. Venite, adoremus, Alleluia. R. Come, let us adore Him, Alleluia.

Prayers before Meditation.

(For your selection.)

O MY God, I firmly believe that Thou art here present. Thou dost penetrate my heart, and dwell therein as in Thy living temple. I offer Thee my profound adoration and beseech Thee to give me the grace of perfect union with Thee now and for ever. Amen.

My Lord, I can do nothing of myself; I can not even have a good thought; therefore I beseech Thee, in this meditation, to direct all the powers of my soul to Thy service and glory, and to my sanctification. Amen.


MY God, I firmly believe Thou art everywhere present, and seest ail things. Thou seest me in all my actions; Thou seest me in this, my meditation. I bow down before Thee and worship Thy divine majesty with my whole being. Cleanse my heart from all vain, wicked, and distracting thoughts. Enlighten my understanding and inflame my will, that I may pray with reverence, attention, and devotion.

My Lord and my Creator! look graciously on Thy child, the work of Thy hands, and mercifully grant me the help of Thy grace, that all my intentions and acts during this meditation may be directed purely to the service and praise of Thy divine majesty; through Christ our Lord. Amen.