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All the holy founders and great saints of the Religious Orders, pray for us.

May all the saints in heaven intercede with God for us.[1]


V. O LORD, save N.N., our reverend Mother;

R. And hear our prayers in her behalf.

Let us pray.

WE beseech Thee, almighty and eternal God, grant to Thy servant, N.N., who, through Thy mercy, hath undertaken the government of this Congregation, the light of Thy Holy Spirit, and an increase of all virtues, that she may perform the works that are pleasing to Thee, and, being rendered acceptable in Thy sight, may come at length to Thee, Who art the way, the truth, and the life. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord. Amen.

Pater, Ave.

Renewal of Vows.

I WISH, dear Jesus, to follow closely in Thy footsteps this day, carrying my cross — the cross of religious life — after Thee. I desire to fasten myself to the cross by renewing my holy vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, so that I may resemble Thee more closely, my crucified Saviour, Who art the sweet Spouse of my soul. May all my actions, performed in union with Thee, be pleasing to the heavenly Father, as springing from the tree of the cross, to which I nailed myself on the happy day on which I made these vows. Sweet cross! Thou art my joy and my salvation.

  1. These Invocations may be either extended or curtailed at pleasure.