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In Paschal time, in honor of the Resurrection.

To God the Father, with the Son

Who from the grave immortal rose,

And Thee, O Paraclete, be praise,

While age on endless ages flows.


On feasts of Our Lady, the two following verses are sung in its place by some Religions:

O Mary, Mother of all grace,

And mercy to our sinful race,

Protect us from the demon's power,

And take us at life's closing hour.

All glory be to Thee, O Lord,

A Virgin's Son, o'er all adored,

And equal praise for ever greet,

The Father and the Paraclete. Amen.

A Formula of the Vows.

ALMIGHTY and eternal God! I, N.N., in profound adoration before the Holy Trinity, and in presence of the blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the angels and saints, vow and promise to Thy supreme Majesty, and, subject to the good pleasure of His Lordship, the Bishop, to you, reverend Mother, as first holding the place of God to me, poverty, chastity, and obedience[1] (for a year in the Company or Congregation N.N.); and I hope to obtain, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Who inspires me to make these vows, and through the intercession of the saints, the grace to accomplish them. Amen.

  1. Some Religious Orders mention obedience first in the formula; then poverty and chastity.