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O eternal Son, pour into my soul abundant gifts of grace. Thou didst die for me on the cross. There Thou didst merit for me the treasures of grace which now Thou givest. Thou didst give me Thyself in shedding of blood and in dimness of death. Now Thou, givest me Thyself in outpouring of gladness and in Thy deathless life. Thou wast dead, and art alive for ever.

O eternal Spirit, hide me more and more with God, and let there be in me more and more of the mind of Jesus. Touch the lips of my soul and give me a taste for this Bread of God, that I may know the graciousness of my Jesus, and the sweetness of His blood. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart, for Thou, O Holy Ghost, art given to me. Oh, lift me up, dear Spirit, from the dust. Oh, bring me in Thine own good time to the pavement of pure gold as clear as crystal. Fill my soul with Thy dew; fill it with Thy fire. There is no dew like Thine; and there is no fire like Thine. They mingle together in the fruitfulness of the garden of the Spouse. They mingle with the blood of Jesus, and with the water from His side. Oh, fire of the Holy Ghost, gentle and sweet as dew! Oh, dew of the Holy Ghost, piercing and cleansing as fire! O Holy Ghost, Whom I love, lift Thy little one to Thine uncreated Heart.

O Blessed Trinity, show me the hidden things of the blood of Jesus, the holy mystery of Thy Church. O Blessed Trinity: O Blessed Trinity: O Blessed Trinity.

Devotions for the Faithful Departed.


An offering of all works of satisfaction and of all the suffrages in behalf of the souls in purgatory.

THIS heroic act of charity in behalf of the souls in purgatory consists in a voluntary offering made in their favor to the divine Majesty, by any one of the faithful, of all works of satisfaction done by him in his life, as well as of all the suffrages which shall be offered for him after his death. Many of the faithful, devout to the Blessed Virgin, have followed the praiseworthy practice, introduced, or at least much spread since the last century, by F. D. Gaspar Oliden, Theatine, of placing them in the hands of the Blessed Virgin, that she may distribute them in behalf of those souls whom it is her good pleasure to deliver sooner from the pains of purgatory. This heroic act of charity has been enriched with many indulgences.