To the Side
O most adorable Side of my Lord Jesus Christ, in which the Wound of Divine Love is to be seen pierced through and through, I specially adore Thee; and I cover Thee with kisses, earnestly imploring that the sins which I have so often committed against brotherly charity, and by waxing cold in my love for God, may be forgiven me.
Hail Mary, etc.
To the Back
O most patient Back of my Lord Jesus Christ, Which wast ready without a murmur to bear the Tree of Life, and the burden of the sins of all sinners, Which also submittedst to be most cruelly scourged, I devoutly adore Thee; and I reverently kiss Thee, praying that the sins which I have committed by being impatient under the burdens laid upon me may be forgiven me.
Hail Mary, etc.
To the Hands
O adorable Hands of my Lord Jesus Christ, Which were stretched out to Their widest upon the Cross, and were pierced by great iron nails, I devoutly adore You; and with tears in my eyes I kiss You, and pray that all the sins which I have committed by act, or by touch, may be done away.
Hail Mary, etc.
To the Breast
O most pure Breast of my Lord Jesus Christ, on Which was never spot of sin, nor could any