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them, after the pattern of those Apostles who helped one another in fishing, and toiled all the night till the day dawned and Thou camest with Thy blessing; for at Thy coming and blessing their toil, their net was filled with a multitude of large fish.

Vouchsafe, I pray Thee, O Lord, in like manner to fill me, by Thy preventing and following grace, with so great a sweetness of inward devotion, that at the time of prayer many long psalms may be more delightful to me than plenty of great fish would be to a hungry man:[1] for refreshment of the mind is a greater thing than that of the body. The spirit gives new life to, the flesh weighs down, the man; the spirit purifies and gladdens him; the flesh defiles and saddens him. The spirit submits itself to, and obeys, God; the flesh often resists and is harmful: for the soul is better than the body; the living spirit is more worthy than the flesh that must so soon decay. The world is sweet; but God, Who is the Maker and the Ruler of all things, is sweeter than all else, and more highly exalted.

Everywhere and always blessed be Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ, my God, Who alone workest great wonders in the sea and on the land; for with Thy chosen friends Thou dost not disdain to eat and to sit down to meat; Thou preparest for them a sacred and spiritual banquet in hymns and psalms which are sweeter than all earthly food and the most exquisite of wines. Amen.

  1. [Cf. Introduction, page xxii.]