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that sacred Head, before which the Powers of heaven bow in reverent awe, now itself bowed in dereliction and in anguish. See that Face, fairer than the sons of men, defiled with spittings, seamed with scars, besmeared with blood, and marred with livid bruises. Behold his eyes swimming in tears, his gracious mouth distorted, his sunken pallid cheeks, his hair plucked oft, his arms so painfully stretched, his bones out of joint, his breast torn with wounds, his skin all scarred with gashes, his weak and trembling knees, his hands and feet dug through with cruel nails, his pierced side, his heart laid open, and all his limbs swollen with scourging and with blows.

Remember, O most compassionate Father, who it is that suffers; and remember in thy mercy for whom he suffers. Is not this thy well-beloved Son, whom thou hast begotten from everlasting, and cherished in thine inmost heart? Is not this that most spotless Lamb who, obedient to thee even unto death, hath offered himself a sacrifice and a victim for our sins? Suffer thyself, then, to be touched with that great sight which thine only begotten Son hath set before thee upon the cross, and with the satisfaction he hath made for our sins. Remember all his groanings, remember all the tears he shed upon the cross, while he prayed for those