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Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech thee by thy own sacred Agony, and by the most fervent prayer thou didst pray in the Garden of olives,when thy sweat became as it were drops of blood falling down upon the ground, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to offer and set forth before thy heavenly Father for the manifold sins of this sick person that dire sweat of Blood which the exceeding sorrow of thy Heart wrung from thy Body. And do thou be pleased to deliver him in this hour of his death from all the anguish and punishment which he most justly fears that he has deserved by his sins. Amen.


Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who for the salvation of the world didst condescend to die upon thy hard cross, I beseech thee that thou wouldst vouchsafe to offer and set forth before thy heavenly Father for the sinful soul of this sick person all the bitterness thou didst endure thereon, and above all when thy most holy Soul went forth from thy blessed Body. And do thou be pleased to deliver him in this hour of his death