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troglodytes are justly regarded as belonging to an earlier period than that in which the reindeer-hunters and artists flourished.

The osteological characters of the Spy calvaria correspond in a remarkable degree with those of the Neanderthal specimen, as will be seen from the following tabular statement:

Spy. Neanderthal.
mm. mm.
  1. Antero-posterior dia. (max.)
200 200
  1. Transverse do.
140 144
  1. Frontal (min.)
104 106
  1. Do. (max.)
114 122
  1. Horizontal Circumference
580 590 (571?)
  1. Cephalic index
70 72

Fossil bones, showing more or less the characteristics of the Neanderthal-Spy race, have been found in the Trou de la Naulette, near Dinant, the caves of Malarnaud (Ariège), Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze), Moustier and Ferrassic (Dordogne), the rock-shelters of La Quina and Petit-Puymoyen (Charente), Krapina (Croatia), Gibraltar, etc. Of these, the three most instructive remains found in recent times are those of Le Moustier, Chapelle and La Quina. These have been respectively described by MM. Klaatsch, Boule and Martin. The first two were regarded as burials of the Moustérien Age, and their skulls show all the osseous peculiarities of the Neanderthal-Spy race (Figs. 12 and 13). In both the facial