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The Duruthy skeleton had also been crushed by fallen rocks, which damaged the skull so much that no precise measurements could be taken of it. It was, however, clearly dolichocephalic and in all respects similar to the skulls of Laugerie Basse and Chancelade. Near it was found a necklace composed of fifty canine teeth (three of lion and the rest of bear), most of them having been adorned by various devices—one having the figure of a seal, another that of a pike, and a third a form which looks like a glove for the forearm.

The Magdalénien people appear to have been the direct descendants of the Neanderthal-Spy race, and to have occupied not only the same geographical area, but a considerable extension of it, as shown by the number of stations discovered within regions formerly covered by glaciers. Their well-filled skulls are an indication of the intellectual advancement that had taken place since their nomadic forefathers entered Europe.

4. The Cro-Magnon race.—The physical characters of this race have been derived from one specimen, viz. that known as the "Old Man" of Cro-Magnon, which was found, along with portions of four other human skeletons (supposed to be one family), on the surface of the débris at the back part of the Cro-Magnon cave. The characters are as follows:

Cranium highly developed (cephalic index 73–76); forehead large, lofty and well-shaped; superciliary ridges fairly prominent;