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sented by one of the large Schwerin brooches (fig. 62). This was evidently a chef d'œuvre, but the intermediate bow connecting the two great discs had been accidentally broken. In order to mend it again, the two pieces were put into their proper relative position, and the broken bow was covered with a layer of wax. The whole was then surrounded with the usual preparation of clay, etc.; the wax was melted out and replaced with bronze.
Fig. 46.—Razor-knife from Denmark, one-half of the actual size.

Fig. 47.—Bronze knife, actual size, Denmark.
Again, besides the orifice through which the bronze was poured into the mould, it was necessary to leave one or more holes through which the air might escape. The first, being funnel-shaped, was easily removed, but the latter were frequently beaten over, as is seen at the top of fig. 63, for without steel it was almost impossible to cut them off. Indeed, the smiths of the Bronze Age seem to have been unable to pierce bronze, and the holes for rivets, as in the swords, etc., are cast, and not pierced.

Even the ornamentation in circles, spirals, etc., on the bronze objects is mostly cast, and though beautifully drawn, was evidently done with the free hand; compasses seem therefore to have been unknown.

In some cases, however, the ornamentation appears to have been engraved on the objects themselves. For this