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Objects of Bronze.

With Unburnt
With Burnt

  1. Celts
4 1 5
  1. Blades of knives, daggers, etc.
16 44 60
  1. Awls and drills
5 29 34
  1. Crutch-headed screws
1 2 3
  1. Large pin with rings
... 1 1
  1. Prong with rings
1 ... 1
  1. Rivets and pieces of bronze-mounted shield (?)
1 ... 1
  1. Bracelet
1 ... 1
  1. Buckle
... 1 1
  1. Bead
... 1 1
—— —— ——
  1. Total
29 79 108

Figs. 56–60.—Various small objects of bronze from the Swiss lakes.

As already mentioned (ante, p. 19), the bronze objects were evidently in many cases made by travelling pedlars who exchanged new ones for old, or for broken pieces. To save carrying about heavy and precious objects, they often concealed part of their stock, and many of their hoards have been discovered, in France alone over 400. These hoards are very instructive, and I shall refer to