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His hopes in England, his career, and sails
To-night to make a new life in the States.
As to the question of your seeing him
(He is in the town here), I persuaded him
To let you choose, this being probably
The last time in this world. It rests with you."

"I pray you, as we pray morning and night,
Save me from the sick eyes of my one child;
But let me see my one child once. Amen.

"I never came across the hills before
In all these years; now all these years are done.
Who would have said it, yesterday at this hour?
Now my son knows, and I have crossed the hills,
And sure my poor face faces other things.
Not back! not home! anything, anything,
Anything—no, don't turn, I am very calm.
Not back the way I came to-day, not home.
Oh, anything but home and a long life."

"Am I the arbiter? Besides, what fate

Can you desire more merciful than home